Saturday, October 10, 2009

Shortlisted another B-School for app : Richard Ivey

Richard Ivey school of busines, University of western Ontario.

Things I liked about the school.

1. Small class size of around 140. (Though this also means low chances of getting in. Especially for average people like me , or for those who are not over-achievers.)

2. 70% of course is done via case study.

3. One year course and a reasonable course fee. (not that less though, 100,000 $ CAD)

4. Placements in consulting are higher than other fields, and hence can be considered a strong consulting school.

5. Location - Canada - its a good place to live and study. People are warm and friendly. No visa worries.

Another interesting thing I found about the school is that they provide travel rewards up to the value of 1200 CAD for traveling and visiting the school and actually sitting in a class for a day. They also have other events in US, Canada and Mexico, but none in India I guess.

Overall a good school, and I find it a good match. The deadlines are quite stiff though.

R1 - Oct 5,

R2 - Nov 2.

R4 - Jan 4.

R1 is alreayd gone, and cant make it to R2 as well. Will think about R4.


Just thought of cracking a joke on canada , its original , i swear.

An MBA applicant was contemplating various options for his mba in different countries, and finally found just a few to match his profile. Here is how he saw them:

1. INSEAD - Cant speak or understand french, can't apply, will lower job prospects in France post mba.

2. Rotterdam erasmus - Dont know dutch either.

3. IMD - Dont speak German. Only German thing I know is Hitler.

4. Ivey, Canada - I Know punjabi - good fit. Bingo ! Final. Applying now . Surinder uncle will lend money as well. Hadippa !


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