Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Plans for Srinagar in July

Received an email from Kapil, confirming the Srinagar Plan in July . Copying the whole mail.


Jana kahan hai , Leh ya srinagar or both

Won't recommend leh as july is peak monsoon and flights usually get cancelled/ diverted

Have chalked out the following itinerary considering all the scenarios:

PLAN A: If Messers Geelanis, kayanis, the Jaishs, & the Lashkars ( The Olive Tree co. & rabble rousers co. ) are busy elsewhere

10th -- Srinagar arrival

11th & 12th Pehalgam 100km from srinagar nite stay on 11th

13th Gulmarg 50km from srinagar same day return

14th Sonmarg 100 km same day return

15th & 16th Srinnagar city -- places to visit - Dal, Mughal gardens, nagin lake( backwaters),Pari Mahal , shankracharya etc.. and khan paan -wazwan, kashmiri delights/ gourmet ,shopping etc

17th Marraige .

18th Return

In case there is a strong urge to visit Leh , then we can change r plan .

Leh is 250 km from sonmarg , if we start early we will reach the same day but it will take time to get acclimatized . pang gong lake is further 170km from leh which means that we need at least 5 days for the leh expedition.

PLAN B: If the aforementioned great fellas decide otherwise,

We will go straight to Sonmarg on 11th, spend a nite there and proceed to Leh the next day and come back to srinangar two days before marriage and if possible visit pehalgam one day .

PLAN C: If kayani becomes adventurous after a successful coup with the blessings of uncle SAM before July ,
Then we must all visit Mata ka Darbar and pray for peace & tranquility
. We can visit peaceful locs like patni tap, sanasar etc ( to get a kashmir like feel ) after that we will go to srinagar by road for a day attend the marriage and return the next day . Undersigned would be previleged to play the role of the host & guide.

Pls revert with ur suggestions ...


Kapil Nijhon


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