Sunday, August 16, 2009

Started researching US B-Schools as well

Until now I have been thinking about schools in UK only. But it seems the job scenario in UK is bad as compared to that in US. People are recruiting in US, especially if you want to go into consulting/technology related field post-MBA (think tech think silicon valey in the west coast).

Now I think I will have to start thinking about a few schools in US as well. Trying to find a few where cost is low, or where scholarships are easy to get. A few which come to my mind are:

Kelly, indiana. - around 92 K USD

Texas AMU - around 80k USD

Now the question is - "is it worth it?" .  I am now in a situation where I am deciding schools as per Budget and not as per my goals and ambitions. Need to rethink. Need to go back to my dreams. Need to sleep.

1 comment:

Bham said...

My Personal Opinion,

Apply and decide once you get an admission.
I agree most applications cost 150$ to 175$ so we have to think twice.
But here is what i am planning:
3-4 European schools (2-3UK, 1-2Others) [UK is on priority]
2 Indian Schools [ISB, GreatLakes]
2-3 US & Canada schools
1 of the 2 singapore schools.
8 to 10 schools depending on the budget.
