Sen argues that India is growing at a better rate than Bangladesh, but still lagging in most of the social factors which indicate the overall well-being of the society. We should try to improve these (While continuing to grow, ofcourse) , rather than focusing too much on how much India's GDP is growing vs the Chinese.
Here are a few stats give out by Dr Sen.
India, China , Bangladesh
GDP growth rate
(approx) 8% , 10% , 6%
Life expectancy 64.4 , 73.5 , 66.9
Infant mortality 50/1000 , 17 , 41
Under-5 mortality rate 66/1000 , 19 , 52
Adult literacy rate 65 , 94, 54
Children immunised
with DPT vaccine 66% , 97% , 94%
Health care
spend (as % of GDP) 1.1% , 1.9% , NA
GNP per capita (USD) 3,260 , 6,770 , 1,580
Though India is better off than Bangladesh in adult literacy rate, its worse off in female literacy rate. This has been the reason for immense social well-being in Bangladesh, empowerment of women. India is still lagging in female literacy rates which is the prime reason (among others) for poor performance in other indicators like IMR, U5MR, population growth rate etc.
Now, given these facts can we say that India is doing better than Bangladesh just because our GNP is growing faster ? Absolutely not. It can be argued that higher GDP overall means higher spends in education, healthcare and infrastructure, but somehow these basic issues are ignored while we blow the trumpet of growing at 8% (or so) and overtaking China by 20XX.